As a company, we take our responsibility to ensure the sustainable development of the Ecuadorian Amazon very seriously. We work together with several smallholder farmers which live in the rural indigenous communities within the jungle. We also defined our company targets without losing sight of our social aspirations, which we did by founding Healthy Amazon Foundation. We guide our farmers in organic land management and maintaining the balance between agriculture and rainforest conservation. This all has made it our mission to share guayusa’s natural energy with the rest of the world, but simultaneously contribute to the development of these indigenous communities.


We work closely together with ourKichwa farmers and regularly schedule meetings for dialogue sessions

We include our farmers even further by providing employment opportunities within our company to several of their family members


All of our guayusa is organic, so no chemicals are used that are harmful for the environment

We guarantee that all of our guayusa is grown in  fields that carefully combine agriculture with jungle ecosystems called chacras

Because of our requirements for natural guayusa we help to combat deforestation, which is one the biggest threats the Amazonian rainforest faces today

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